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« Welcome to the Twentieth Century | Main | Ten Years Ago Today »

Wednesday, 10 August 2005



Yes, a lot of water has gone under the bridge for both of us in the last ten years. I was offered a job at DERA on 11 August, so as at this Worldcon, I went to the last one knowing that I had gainful employment to go to. Which is always a significant burden lifted. I have managed to establish a reasonably successful professional career trajectory over the past decade.

But writing has taken much more of a backburner than it should have. I wrote my sf novel ~1993 and although in recent years there has been the City Lit, the "Soul Sellers" script, Skyros, Arvon and, of course, Atomic Razor (as well as my PhD), I've not been able to *finish* anything really substantial. Well, that has got to change. I've got to complete two novels (including the all-new "Slaves of Noho") and November is "National Novel Writing Month" ( A 50,000 word sf novel must, be on the cards, I feel.

Well, ten years is a long time. Plenty of water will go under the bridge. Let's hope that the words (and ideas) flow along too.

Celestial Weasel

So, Mr. B - how does November fit in with your schedule? I am a little vague as to when the MBA finishes and the job starts.


Dissertations (there is a group one and an individual one) are to be handed in on 12 September and I start work on 1`9 September (seemingly with some kind of induction in Cambridge), so November should be fine for NaNoMo (nearly 1700 words per day!)

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