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Saturday, 18 January 2025


Celestial M Weasel

Of course, what we took as the eternal verities of the Oxford system was really only a fairly short time window. The Latin requirement was removed in 1960, various things online suggest that you had to do responsions until then but I think that's wrong and you needed a Latin O Level.

Paul M. Cray Seems likely if you had O-Level Latin you didn't have to go it. I believe the requirement for Greek was abolished in 1920, but citation needed.

John Styles

It seems to have been the case in 1922 there were equivalent external exams you could so I imagine it was true in 1960

Dr Paul M. Cray

The School Certificate was going by then, I am pretty sure.

Celestial M Weasel

"Anyone, therefore, who does not qualify for Senior
Standing, and who cannot satisfy the condition for
Junior Standing that either Latin or Greek must have
been included in his course, will have to take Respon-
sions, or some examination exempting from Responsions,
before coming into residence. Arrangements can be
made, through the courtesy of the Oxford Local Exam-
inations Delegacy, whereby a Rhodes Scholar in this
situation can sit for an examination in his own College
or University which will, if he pass it, exempt him from
Responsions—the papers being sent from Oxford and
corrected by Oxford Examiners. "

Celestial M Weasel

School certificate was introduced in 1918

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